Maryline j.

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Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Maryline j.

44 Jahre alt | Collaboratrice administrative

Voyageuse passionnée de nature, randonnée et des animaux. Je suis quelqu'un de très soigneuse.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Solveig L.

Düsseldorf, Germany - August 2022

Brigo is the elderly Lady cat according to her age, but all the years almost hasn’t changed her appearance. Partly due to her race, rather smaller compact size and sweet face with big amber eyes let her looks like a kitten. She is in the remarkably good physical shape, despite her age. Though not the “touchy-feely” type of cats, she gets comfy and greatly enjoy the patting, caressing, massaging. Brigo lives for brushing. She knows that she needs it, due to her fine fur and she knows how to demand it☺️. So if you dislike the cat brushing than Brigo is definitely the wrong cat for you. The owners gave simple and effective explanation on my arrival, which made my tasks easy to accomplish. All instructions for looking after Brigo were also clear written. The spacious and luminous apartment is located in the house, which gives the best opportunity to have the magnificent view on the lake from the different perspectives and at the same time the view of almost all historical buildings in the city. Everything is in the walkable distance. The neighbours are amazing, they are incredible friendly, open minded and ready to help, if it is needed. Neuchâtel is very pleasant city to live with a lot of history, architecture and culture.

Karen T.

Melbourne, Australia - Januar 2020

Brigo is sweet and so lovely and easy to take care of. Maryline’s apartment is very comfortable with magnificent views. The location is within walking distance to the city centre. Neuchâtel is a beautiful and welcoming town to visit. ????


Montreux, Switzerland - Oktober 2019

Brigo is the eldest cat that I've cared for so far. Yet, she's in great shape and with vivid characters:-)... We've developed such connections/bonding during a short time... She likes cuddles and is very playful... I totally enjoyed my stay at Maryline's, the gorgeous view, the tranquility, and most of all, the company of the sweet Brigo:-)... Missing her for sure:-)...

Leïla m.

Lille, France - August 2019

Très très belle expérience de catsitting grâce à Marylin qui est une personne profondément humaine, sympathique et accueillante. Tout s'est déroulé de manière fluide et naturelle avant et pendant le séjour. J'ai passé un moment inoubliable en compagnie de Brigo, une chatte aussi chouette que sa maîtresse. J'ai pu découvrir un pays, une ville et des gens charmants dans des conditions extrêmement agréables. Merci Marylin et au plaisir de recroiser ta route !

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