Basil d.

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Vichy, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Basil d.

66 Jahre alt | English & Retired living in France

A la retraite, je suis revenue vivre en France avec mon compagnon Basil.
Nous avons commencé à faire du home sitting en aout 2017.
Nous sommes non-fumeurs et plutot actifs. Nous aimons tous les deux partir pour découvrir différentes régions de France et d'Europe et pratiquer notre sport favori : la randonnée pédestre ; nous sommes ravis de nous occuper des animaux lorsqu'il y en a.
Nous prenons le plus grand soin de la propriété qui nous est confiée.

Basil is English and can speak a limited amount of French and as each day passes the limited French improves !!.

We both very much enjoy walking and exploring the different regions of France, we enjoy the different cultures of the world and meeting new members of Nomador.

We take pride in ensuring that we keep the owners property (including the garden), is kept in good condition and regular contact is made with the owners, (either with emails. WhatsApp, etc} to ensure that there are no problems, we respect the owners property.

We are very competent in looking after animals and have been trusted with cats, hens, dogs, fish and horses and taking dogs for walks is something that we enjoy very much.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ray, 66 Jahre alt, French & Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Februar 2019

Ray et Basil sont un couple très agréable, attentif à nos recommandations, respectueux de la maison et son environnement. Leur mission n'était pas facile, car notre chienne Loula est agée et nécessitait une surveillance , des soins, et une prise de médicaments au quotidien, tâches dont ils se sont acquittés parfaitement . Nous les remercions de leurs bons soins et les recommandons à tous.

Marie christine p.

La Baule, France - Dezember 2018

Nous avons eu un très bon contact avec Ray et Basil personnes sérieuses qui nous ont donne régulièrement des nouvelles de notre chien et de notre chat .on est parti tranquille avec ces personnes de confiance.


November 2018

Wow... what can I say about this beautiful,amazing couple. This is our story. We have never allowed anyone that we didnt't know or trust to stay in our house let alone to house and cat sit for us for 5 wks. My husband was not happy to have total strangers in our house,that we have never met. The only info we had was on this website thru there profile. We had decided to invite Basil & Raymond to our place 1 week before heading off to our vacation. ( I do recommend this). This was a way to see if we connected or we didn't. On arrival of our quest Basil & Raymond instant connection. They were warm and very easy to talk too. My husband slowly started to feel comfortable about Basil & Raymond. Over the wk we went over importand things about the cats and house. e.g TV,stove,power,Wi-Fi and the feeding times of the cats and want they like and didnt like etc,etc. However the cats were our main concern. All cats were curious about our visitors, but slowly and surely they adapted very well to Basil & Raymond except our female cat. However our female cat is not so friendly with anyone, due to her past. On that note she warmed up to Basil and Raymond without any concerns from my side. You could feel that Basil & Raymond were very caring people that loved animals. Nothing seem to be a problem. We received pics while on holiday and updates on our furballs. The lawns were taken care off as well as the garden. On our return we could see the cats had been well looked after. They were contented and seem very happy. The house was clean and not a bother in the world, I would recommend this wonderful, amazing couple to take care of your animals and house. Thank you Basil & Raymond for the comfort of knowing our cats were well loved and taken care of.

Andree c.

Pessans, France - Juli 2018

Couple très sympathique à recommander pour d'autres gardes.

3-5 von insgesamt 19 Bewertungen

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