Darya Y.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Darya Y.

36 Jahre alt | Software engineer | Allein

Hi, Nomador community, and nice to meet you.

I am Darya from Berlin, Germany, coming originally from Minsk Belarus.
I am very flexible and open, spending last 2 years of my life travelling around Europe and close by countries. My remote work helps me with it, since i am able to work from any location.

I come from pet loving family and have always been raised with big amount of animals around. I have had 10 dogs, constantly take care of different cats and look after horses, doing horse riding at my free time. Living with 10 dogs for 20 years I am used to all type of ordinary and unordinary situations with animals and also simply enjoying being around them and being filled with positive energy.

I can travel alone, as well as with my friend, we were doing few house sittings with. It’s all up to your wishes and preferences.

I am looking forward to meet you and your incredible animals and take the best care of them and your place.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Russisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Pascal s.

Verrières-le-Buisson, France - November 2023

Bonjour, Je remercie et recommande Darya et Ilya pour leur sympathie et d'avoir pris soin de Dali et Mia comme demandé. Nous avons retrouver nos deux chiens heureux et en pleine santé et ils avaient développer une bonne affection avec Darya and Ilya. Nous avons retrouver la maison dans le même état de propreté et de rangement cas notre départ. Je vous recommande avec confiance Darya and Ilya pour un futur séjour chez vous :-) Amicalement Pascal

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