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Leuven, Flanders, Belgium

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Sevgi

27 Jahre alt | Student | Allein

I am a 26 years old psychologist, currently writing my master’s thesis combined with a part-time remote job. I would love to take advantage of my current geographical freedom as I will most likely need to settle in the upcoming year:) House and pet sitting around the world would be a great adventure!
Animals bring absolute joy to me. I even often have dreams in which I pet animals! Even though I don’t have any pets myself, I had the pleasure of petsitting on multiple occasions and found it to be a very fulfilling experience. Moreover since I have been living away from my family for the last 7 years, I have a great sense of responsibility around the house.
You can check out my profile on another petsitting app to see the reviews I have gotten there:

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Ruxian Y.

Utrecht, Netherlands - Oktober 2023

Our house and cat were well taken care of by Sevgi during our 9-day holiday. She's very sweet and patient with our cat who is rather shy and cautious with strangers. But Sevgi gained her trust in no time. Besides that, Sevgi is respectful and thoughtful. The communication with her was very smooth and pleasant. At the end of our holiday, we returned to a tidy house with a happy cat. Thanks :)

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