Evy v.

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Ghent, Flanders, Belgium

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Evy v.

35 Jahre alt | Photographer and dog walker | Als Paar/Duo

I'm Evy, 33 years and living in Ghent.
I have a great love for animals, nature, art, culture,..

I love animals, traveling and discovering new places. So for me this is the perfect combination.
Walking a dog, for example, is a great way to explore the neighbourhood and to meet other 'pet loving' people or have small conversations (which is not always easy if you are a visitor).
I don't like the typical way of traveling and tourism. I wouldn't call myself a tourist at all. If I go travelling for a longer period I always try to give something 'back in return', for example by doing volunteer work or, in this case, be a housesitter/petsitter :)
Besides that, I just like to be in other places, surrounded by animals :).

If i can choose i prefer to do a sit in more natural environments. Mountains, forests, countryside,...that's where i feel best:)

I also have a profile on instagram where i post all my adventures and pet photography. Feel free to check it, if you are curious:

(There is a possibility that I would travel with my friend but in that case I would definitely mention this in advance)

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