Monique H.

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Schilde, Flanders, Belgium

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Monique H.

68 Jahre alt | retired now, I was an administrative worker in a multi-cultural social branche | Allein


Thank you for reading my profile!

My name is Monique.
I was born in Antwerp (Belgium) and I have lived in this city for a long time. However a few years ago I moved to the green outskirts where I live in a ground floor apartment with a small garden. Unfortunately without animals as it is not allowed by the landlord.

I love animals though. And I love to travel. So petsitting is the ideal solution ...

I'm single and I have no children.

In my professional life I have been doing different things
... editorial and layout work for a magazine
... organizing international study visits
... organizing seminars about intercultural learning
... social work with disadvantaged people
... a lot of administration and financial work
... reception work

I'm not working anymore, but this doesn't mean that I sit quietly at home :-)
... I started going to the Art Academy where I learned to make digital paintings and moving pictures, now I attend drawing classes.
... I enjoy making websites
... I have been dancing all my life - a lot of different styles (salsa, tango, lindy hop, african, etc), but at the moment I dance NIA.
... I started taking singing lessons - you might find this crazy, but it's something I felt I had to do and it gives me a lot of energy.
... I used to play the djembé in a group, but as the group splitted I stopped playing - it's something you don't do on your own.
... I'm an animal lover, but as I can't keep animals in my flat, I take care of pets for my friends when they are on holiday.
... I like going for long walks in the nature, but I also enjoy absorbing the culture of a city.

During my working life I have visited different countries as a "normal" tourist: once a year going for a week or 2 to a foreign country and going around to see as much as possible.
Now that I have more spare time I want to do it differently: I want to stay for a longer time in a place and blend in with the locals.

Hope to see you soon!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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