Catherine M.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Catherine M.

72 Jahre alt | educator | Allein

I am a retired Canadian educator looking for house and pet sitting opportunities in Europe. I love exploring historic places, gardens and parks, experiencing local culture and meeting new people. I am a life-long learner and have been studying French for several years.

I am physically active and love hiking and cycling. I have never smoked. I practice yoga daily and attend Zumba fitness classes when I can. I am fully vaccinated against Covid 19 and have received six Pfizer vaccinations in total.

I have been a pet owner all my life. My dogs and cats have all lived long and happy lives. I also used to live on a farm and raised chickens, goats and sheep.

I own my own home in Nova Scotia and am familiar with all the things that can go wrong with a house, such as heating or plumbing problems or electricity outages. I am very familiar with wood stoves. When I am not travelling, I host visitors from around the world through the Homestay program.

Before I retired, I worked for Canadian universities and not-for-profit organizations as an adult educator and communications professional. I am also a trained horticulturalist and can look after house and garden plants or help homeowners with any landscaping problem they might have.

I am very active in my community and chair a non-profit charity "Friends of McNabs Island Society" that promotes outdoor education in Nova Scotia. I am also musical and play in a Samba band here at home in Nova Scotia.

Before the pandemic, I completed several house and pet sits in France and Switzerland. During the pandemic, I stayed close to home and adopted an elderly cat after her owner died. More recently, I have house and cat-sit here in Nova Scotia. Then in the winter of 2024, I successfully complete three house-sits in France through Nomador and Trusted Housesitters. I've met many new friends through my travels and have excellent reviews on the Trusted Housesitters and Nomador platforms.

I am looking forward to travelling in North America this summer and going back to Europe in 2025.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Michel e.

Grépiac, France - Februar 2024

Quel plaisir d'avoir rencontré Cathy, elle s'est très bien occupée de notre maison et de nos animaux. Elle a pu en profiter pour découvrir notre région et malgré notre anglais très "scolaire" elle a fait l'effort de nous comprendre. Elle parle un français très correct et elle a beaucoup d'humour. S'est une personne très discrète . Nous somme heureux de l'avoir confié notre maison et nous serons contents de pouvoir à notre tour venir découvrir son pays pour de prochaines vacances peut être. Helene Michel , la chatte michka et les poules

Muriel b.

Sérignan, France - Februar 2020

Catherine a été très autonome malgré les difficultés rencontrées pour accéder et repartir de mon domicile à cause des grèves de transports en FRANCE. Elle s'est très vite adaptée à la maison et aux chats et a profité pleinement de la région en visitant de nombreux lieux. Catherine est une personne de confiance très sympathique et cultivée.

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