Marilo m.

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Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Marilo m.

38 Jahre alt | English Primary Teacher

We are very active and reliable couple and we would like to meet other people and discover new places. Our interest is to have a relaxing summer while we take pleasure from different environment. It is a real pleasure looking after other people´s animals.
We both love animals and have experience growing up with pets in our families. Marilo´s dad has a big vegetable garden in which both have been helping in the task of planting and collecting.
Marilo has been volunteer in Ethiopia with Ambesa ONG in 2018 taking care of children in an orphanage and in Athens (Greece) collaborating with a project for FairTradeHellas.
Miguel is volunteer in a local community kitchen and also in different environmental conservation activities for Espacio Natural de Doñana in group with Marilo.
We are native Spanish speakers but we are fluency in English. Marilo has been living in Greece and England for two years. Miguel has also been living in England for more than five years and both in different places of Spain.
We are also well aware that you are searching for trustworthy house sitter so we describe ourselves as easy-going couple, very friendly, like to think we have a good sense of humor and we are professional at all times, giving you total peace of mind.
We treat your home like we would expect our home to be treated, as we are both very competent and practical.
No demanding people.
Thrifty people.
TV not necessary.
No allergies.

Hopefully this introduction gives you an idea of our competences and healthy way of being

Kind regards,

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Miguel, 41 Jahre alt, Marketing and business, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Stéphanie g.

Paris, France - August 2019

Un vrai feeling avec Marilo et Miguel dès le début, qui s'est concrétisé sur place quand nous nous sommes rencontré. Nous nous sommes tout de suite senti en confiance. Ils sont adorables, responsables. Laisser nos animaux derrière nous a toujours été compliqué, mais grâce à eux (et à Nomador) nous avons profité sereinement de notre voyage et de nos vacances. Nous avions des nouvelles régulièrement, des photos. A notre retour, un délicieux dîner nous attendait et malgré le décalage horaire nous avons passé une excellente soirée avec eux...à échanger sur leur séjour à Paris et sur le nôtre au Japon. Une vraie et belle rencontre. Une maison bien tenue, des plantes entretenues, des chattes en pleine forme... Nous les recommandons chaleureusement. Nous projetons même de les revoir à Séville lors de nos prochaines vacances à Noël.

Muriel l.

Clermont-Ferrand, France - August 2019

So happy to have had Marilo & Miguel as our home-sitters! They are extremely friendly and they took great care of our 2 cats and our garden. They also enjoyed visiting Clermont-Ferrand and hiking in the region. They sent us news frequently to let us know how the cats and the garden were doing and ask questions if they needed any info. We had a lot of fun together before we left, we all felt very much at ease and our 7 year old daughter had a great time with them. And our house was very clean when we got back. I highly recommend Marilo & Miguel!

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