Lina m.

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Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium


Über Lina m.

39 Jahre alt | Project manager

My name is Lina and I am 37 years old. I live in an apartment located in Antwerp along with my boyfriend and my 2 cats, Winston and Tequila.
My boyfriend and I like to travel but we find it difficult to find people who can take care of our fur babies. Our friends normally are available but , unfortunately, that's not always the case.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Willy K.

Amsterdam, Netherlands - November 2022

I had a very pleasant time in Lina's flat. I felt very at home. The apartment is great, bright, spacious, sunny, calm and comfortable with a nice balcony. Perfect location in the center and very close to trams and buses. Grocery stores and supermarkets are very near. The area is lively and multicultural. Tequila is shy in the beginning but she is very curious and sweet. She took her time but after a while I could stroke her and I felt she trusted me. Winston is easy going and very playful. He lets you know what he wants: food, play, sleep, caresses. He is very affectionate and loved caresses and being brushed. Both are lovely cats. Lina was very helpful and gave good instructions. I had daily WhatsApp contact with her. Antwerp is a wonderful town. Great to explore. Easy to go to other cities as Gent and Brugge. Many thanks to Lina for her hospitality.

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