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Tintin B.

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Helsingborg, Skåne County, Sweden

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Tintin B.

65 Jahre alt | Sweden | Als Paar/Duo

We are a couple of retired socialworkers from Sweden, who have been toghther for the last 20 years.

We both grew up with pets and are big animal lovers, but due our work and travels we have chosen not to have any pets of our own for the last 12 years.
Sven grew up with hunting dogs and a cat with a huge peronality. And later hade two golden retrievers of his own.
My father is a retired police officer and dog handler which meant that the whole family was involved in the training of the police dogs. As a baby I grew up with a baby dachshound, sharing in everrything from chewing toys to sleeping basket. When starting my own family ther were a couple of basset hounds included growing up together with my two daughters.

In 2009 we were asked to take care of an ageing cat. Even thogh we only had the opportunity to have her for short period of time, we still talk of her playfulness and pesonality with fondness.

As both have been working with children our holidays have been planed according to the school year. During our travels we have rented most of our accommondation through Airbnb, which means we have some experience of sharing and respecting peoples home. Some of the reviews we have received after our stays:
"Friendliest and most respectful people we have ever met"
"They left the property in good condition, highly recommend them"
"A joy to have as guests"
"Easy to communicate with"
"Good guests, nice and helpful"

Now that we are both retired and have lot of time to speend we see the oppotunity to do two things that we both love, taking care of animals and experiencing other countries.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sven, 72 Jahre alt, Sweden, Ehepartner / Partner

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Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Brigitte T.

Amiens, France - Juni 2024

Nous sommes ravis de la venue de Tintin et Sven. Nous avons reçu de nombreuses photos de Minouchette heureuse. Cela nous a fait vraiment plaisir. Un petit dîner bien sympathique nous attendait dans le frigo.. C'était excellent. Nous avons retrouvé la maison accueillante, rangée avec des petits cadeaux. Un grand merci à Tintin et Sven pour leur gentillesse. De plus la pelouse a été tondue plusieurs fois... Nous leurs confierons notre maison s'ils souhaitent revenir en Normandie avec grand plaisir...

Anne-marie l.

Montbron, France - September 2023

Tintin et Sven sont des personnes chaleureuses qui se sont occupés avec bienveillance et attention de Merlin notre chat et de la maison. Nous sommes rentrés accueillis avec un délicieux repas et une maison impeccable. Quant à Merlin il était épanoui . Nous vous recommandons sans hésiter Tintin et Sven pour s'occuper de vos animaux et de la maison.

Marina p.

Montfrin, France - September 2023

Tintin and Sven are THE perfect homesitters. They were able to approach and pet the most frightened of our cats. I think she would have prefered staying with them!!! The house is very tidy and clean. The clematis almost dry is flowering again. We are grateful to them for having taken care of our cats, turtles, plants and home. A big THANK YOU, you can come again whenever you want!

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