Caryl h.
Tomar, Santarém District, Portugal
Über Caryl h.
73 Jahre alt
Strategic Planner/Executive Life Coach/author/podcaster
I am retired as CEO of mid-size to large sized NGOs in the USA. Now, I am an author, podcaster, small video producer, and strategic life coach and CBT practioner working primarily via internet, SKYPE, and telephone. Originally from Northern California, the San Francisco Bay Area, Monterey Bay Area and Napa Valley, I’ve lived in Connecticut for 10 years. I have traveled internationally my entire life, usually on my own. I attended a private high school in Japan, ASIJ and studied at CCAC, UC Berkeley, Stanford and other SFBA universities.
For the past few years, I have been tied to Connecticut and shorter trips via car because of Rebel, my aussie cattle dog who would have been 15 in July 2017. I had to let go of Rebel very recently, and while it has broken my heart, it has also set me free to once again travel and ultimately find the place I want to settle down in the EU.
I have always had animals, spending part of every summer working line on a cattle ranch in California when I was a small girl. I have never been without a dog before, and usually cats have figured in my life as well. I have ridden since I was very small and in years past I have owned horses. In fact, I aided in the birth of my little Arab, No Tie Required (Tie), and raised her up to be a bomb proof pleasure horse until I had to sell her because of life circumstances. I have even helped raise a Siberian tiger and a California mountain lion, and worked with several other exotic animals thanks to a long-term relationship with an exotic animal trainer.
In 2020 I end up in Europe, making my new home Portugal. The point of taking on this housesitting/pet care life style was to explore different regions that interest me as potential places to settle in a few years, and to get my animal fix without taking on the responsibility of ownership. From July 2017 through the end of December 2018, I've been pet and house sitting in the USA. From January 2019, I did the same outside the USA before settling down.
I am extremely tidy and clean. I am healthy and willing to learn what I don’t know. I am single with no real desire to be otherwise. While I only speak English, I can quickly reacclimate to Spanish, French and German because I used to read and write these languages. I am learning Portuguese. I am respectful and quick to acknowledge my short comings in speaking a language and very willing to learn and be laughed at when I make mistakes in language. I’ve never found it to be a barrier in my
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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft
Brussels, Belgium - August 2022
Caryl is a wonderful host: pick-up from the station, she showed me around town and was so generous to share her food and home-made pickles. All is very well-organised, with explanations of food, emergencies, tourism. Rosey is the tailwinking star of the neighborhood. She is such a sweetheart. Trauma can sometimes lead her into a barking mode but she is easily held and comforted. She loves chasing pigeons, rolling in freshly watered grass and charming every bypasser. Banda makes her appeareance like a diva-cat but than warms up and looooves to cuddle. The house is very beautiful, comfortable, central, practical. And has Netflix. Tomar is a sweet town, with nice cafés, friendly folks, a history of pelgrims and templars and 2 green spaces. Warmly recommend!
Lisbon, Portugal - November 2021
Home-sitting for Caryl's dog and cat and looking after her cozy house was such a pleasure and a privilege. She gave me such a warm welcome and went to great lengths to make sure that I would be confortable during my stay and provided clear instructions on all relevant subjects. Furthermore she was always available and responsive when I texted news or questions. The dog is so attaching and follows you everywhere and the cat likes her independence but will show you sweet love as soon as she has chosen to adopt you. Caryl is blessed to live in a nice and comfortable house with terrasse and little grilling garden decorated with good taste and situated in centrally located Tomar. Thanks for this rare opportunity. I adored every minute of my stay in your house and I am looking forward to a continued friendship.
Logement de Caryl h.
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