Hannah t.

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Ebbw Vale, Wales, United Kingdom


Über Hannah t.

34 Jahre alt | Teacher

Hello, Im a British teacher working at the American International school of Saigon, i live here with my husband who is from the Philippines, he is a tattoo artist. We have a dog called Mike, He is deaf with 3 legs and we are looking for people who will take really good care of him and give him lots of love and affection.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Richard, 37 Jahre alt, Tattoo artist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


We feel so blessed to have been chosen to be Mike's temp Mum's for 5 weeks during June/July 2019. Hannah and Richard are wonderful hosts who adore their wonder-boy Mike and make sure you feel comfortable and confident in taking care of him... and Mike makes sure you are loved and adored while his Mum & Dad are away :) He's such an awesome dog and we hope we can take care of him again sometime in future.

Tamra & david

San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua - April 2019

We so enjoyed this house sit. This is one of the good ones. Mikey was absolutely adorable and loveable little guy and so easy to care for. He makes the house sit. We enjoyed the community and really you don't need to go anywhere. Everything is in the highrise complex. We had a great repour with Hannah and Richard. Hannah is very helpful and explains everything clearly. Great sit. Mikey is the best dog ever.!!! We hope we get to come back!!

Patricia f.

Jacksonville, United States - Februar 2019

Hannah, Richard and of course Mike are some of the nicest and most interesting people and pooch I have met. Friendly and welcoming are two words that come immediately to mind. Mike doesn’t know a stranger and loves people and other dogs, he is even very tolerant of kitties. Hannah and Richard’s home is comfortable, air conditioned and very convenient to markets and great coffee shops; they are right at the door! The facilities include a beautiful swimming pool and tennis courts! Don’t worry about safety, the complex is fenced, gated and guarded. I had no concerns walking Mike during his 8:00 PM stroll. Thank you Hannah and Mike for selecting me to care for Mike and your home.

Charity d.

Charlotte, United States - Januar 2019

We enjoyed our stay at Hannah's with Mike. He was very well behaved and easy to care for. Our kids loved him and he was very gentle with them. We loved being in the apartment complex which has everything you need - grocery store, massage/nail salon, seamstress, restaurants and food vendors line the outside street. It's very safe and fun to be around, not to mention the huge pool ($1/person) that's available. It's about 25 min Grab car ride into D1 if you want. Hannah was easily reached if we needed anything.

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