Karen t.
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
À propos de Karen t.
65 ans
I am a professional woman in my 60's travelling with my retired sister. We are both experienced house-sitters and pet minders in England, Australia and New Zealand. I love looking after cats the best! And my sister has much experience with dogs. When we last house-sat together in 2018 on one house-sit near Bordeaux we looked after 3 horses, 2 dogs, 4 cats and 4 ducks!
When I am at home (in New Zealand) I run my own business as a councellor. I know how to love and respect older homes as I own and maintain a character cottage (built 1870). I also have years of experience with cats, birds and gerbils that I also love. We are both very clean, tidy, honest, reliable and non-smokers. I am taking time off to write my book and explore other cultures between June and October 2023. We both love the outdoors and walking in nature. With Karen and Pearl you can rest assured your animals, home and garden will be well cared in your absence.
Mes compagnons de voyage
Pearl, 70 ans, retired, Frère / Soeur
Langue(s) parlée(s)
Compliments reçus
Avis de la communauté
Lagny-sur-Marne, France - Août 2018
Très bonne recommandation. J'ai rencontré 2 femmes merveilleuses avec qui je garderai le contact, même à l'autre bout du monde! Mes chats étaient ravis d'être cajolés comme ils l'ont été. Je suis ravie!
2-2 sur un total de 5 avis