Ibtisam O.

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Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

About Ibtisam O.

40 years old | Professeur de langues romanes | Alone


Je suis Ibtisam et je suis professeur de langues romanes et maman d'un fils de 6ans. Nous aimons voyager et découvrir de nouveaux endroits. Nous aimons les animaux et prendrons bien soin de votre maison et vos bébés. Nous sommes très propre et responsabl.


I'm a language teacher who loves to travel and meet new people. I'm also a single mom with my son Noah who is 6 years old this summer. I love animals as well dogs, cat as birds. I take care of myself and my son in a very hygienic way and wherever I go I keep a clean and safe environment. I will take care of your home and animals like my own. I am very sociable and sportive and love nature.

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My travel companions
Noah, 7 years old, child, Child

Language(s) spoken
English | Spanish | French | Portuguese

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