Julie S.

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Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Wallonia, Belgium

Last activity: more than 6 months ago
Last activity: more than 6 months ago

About Julie S.

66 years old | Retired | Alone

I am a Belgian 65 retired woman. Now that the children have left home, I want to travel a little more. During my professional career, I was involved in a public relation service. Now I am busy with my garden and my own cat. I live in Louvain-la-neuve (Belgium), in a house, and I am used to watch over the cats of my family and of the neighborhood, during the absence of their owners. You could leave your pet with me on the proposed dates. It will be cuddled like mine. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Julie Sange K.

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Language(s) spoken
English | French

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