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Pierre T.

This user has been recognized by Nomador as being among the most committed and experienced members of the community.

Saint-Père, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France

Last activity: more than 6 months ago
Last activity: more than 6 months ago

About Pierre T.

73 years old | Publisher / Photographer | As a couple/duo

We are a retired married couple in our early seventies. Pierre is a Franco-American citizen, I am an American. We own a house in Cannon Beach, on the Oregon (West) Coast of USA and a house in Saint-Père, in Burgundy, France. We sold our businesses in USA (in Cannon Beach), where we owned and operated 4 hotels and a restaurant for the last 30 years, we are also experienced pet owners. Currently our publishing company, CSF Publishing, is still active (we publish art, literature, and poetry). Pierre is a former photojournalist and war correspondent who worked worldwide for all the major international newspapers and magazines from 1968 to 2000. He is the author of over 50 books and shown his work in many exhibitions. We are retired professionals who enjoy world travel.

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My travel companions
Claudia, 75 years old, Retraitée, Spouse / Partner
Pierre, 73 years old, Retraitee, Spouse / Partner

Language(s) spoken
English | Spanish | French

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