Johanna K.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Last activity: more than 6 months ago
Last activity: more than 6 months ago

About Johanna K.

39 years old | Ecommerce Manager | As a couple/duo

We are a couple that loves to travel and explore our surroundings. Johanna, who works in e-commerce, is Swedish, 37 and used to live in Spain for long before I moved to Berlin where I meet Andre who is German and 30 years old. Andre works within logistics. At the moment we are saving up for our dream, to buy and restore an old house on the country side and at the same time we are trying to travel and discover the world. We are cultivated adults, clean, tidy and responsible and your pet will be in great hands. We both grew up with pets, and love both dogs and cats. We haven’t use Normador before but we have been petsitting here in Berlin because we miss having animals around us and you can of course get a reference. Hoping to hear from you!

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My travel companions
Andre, 32 years old, Project Managed, Spouse / Partner

Language(s) spoken
English | Spanish | German

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