Laurence j.

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Jouy, Centre-Val de Loire, France


About Laurence j.

42 years old | professeur

Nous sommes un couple de 40ans avec deux filles de 7 et 10ans. Nous sommes tous les deux enseignants et aimons voyager. Nous aimons le sport, les randonnées...

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My travel companions
matthieu, 47 years old, professeur, Spouse / Partner
emma, 16 years old, Child
manon, 13 years old, Child

Language(s) spoken
English | Spanish | French

Compliments received

Friend of animals
Provides Updates
Welcoming host

Community opinion


Anne k.

Lier, Belgium - April 2019

The Jolicoeur family is a family that carries the right name: nice, friendly and very hospitable. It was a great pleasure for me meeting them. I enjoyed the stay in their pleasant house and the care for their animals: two funny guinea pigs, a rabbit that walks freely in the house, the chickens that know their name and - last but not least - the big lovable dog. I will never forget the beautiful walks through the bright yellow rapeseed fields with the incredibly friendly and gentle dog. She was the greatest company for me. I am very grateful for the family’s trust in me.

Logement de Laurence j.

Eure-et-Loir, France

1 Dog

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