Julie c. c.

Profile not verified
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Goupillières, Île-de-France, France


About Julie c. c.

47 years old | Professeur des Ecoles

Language(s) spoken
English | French

Compliments received

Dog lover
Green Thumb
Friend of animals
Cat lover
Master of Cleanliness
Very Friendly
Welcoming host

Community opinion


Anna y.

Stuttgart, Germany - August 2022

Julie and Denis are wonderful couple! The welcome us with great French hospitality! We love everything about this housesit: the family, the pets, the house. Rocky is very energetic sweet dog, Scarlet is adorable little kitty, Romeo was just visiting us for lunch. The house is surrounded by beautiful nature, Château de Thoiry is 5 minutes by car, safari Zoo of Thoire is must do. We had very nice and pleasant time.

Jean-daryl f.

Marines, France - March 2022

Nous avons passé un séjour trés agréable chez Julie et sa petite tribu. Merciii pour votre accueil, votre gentillesse et votre bienveillance ! En bref une super belle rencontre avec des gens extra ;) On espère vous retrouver prochainement et partager plus de temps en votre compagnie. Bisous à tous Noria et Jean-Daryl

Logement de Julie c. c.

Yvelines, France

2 Cats - 1 Dog

This host has already used Nomador 3 times!

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