Suzanne j.

Profile not verified
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New York, New York, United States


About Suzanne j.

55 years old | Arts and Civic

Language(s) spoken
English | French

Compliments received

Dog lover
Very Friendly
Welcoming host

Community opinion


Mathilde F.

Paris, France - April 2022

I had a wonderful stay in New York in Suzanne and Mark's apartment, located in one of the most beautiful areas of Manhattan. Suzanne and Mark were extremely welcoming and gave me lots of tips on how to see the city. I felt right at home! They are some of the warmest people I have ever met, and I can't wait to return for a future stay. Rosie is the sweetest dog you can imagine, and so easy to get along with. I miss her already. You would not believe that she is 13 years old. She is quite a celebrity in the neighborhood, it was so funny to hear everyone greeting her when we walked around the block :) Thank you again Suzanne and Mark for welcoming me into your wonderful apartment!

Logement de Suzanne j.

New York County, United States

1 Dog

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