Irene C

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London, England, United Kingdom


About Irene C

44 years old | Freelance Interpreter | Alone

Language(s) spoken
English | Chinese

Compliments received

Cat lover
Master of Cleanliness
Provides Updates

Community opinion


Daphné m.

Paris, France - June 2022

Irène est venue quelques jours chez nous avec son conjoint et s’est très bien occupée de nos deux chats, Tofu et Soja. Nous avons eu des nouvelles régulièrement et Irène qui aime la photo nous a offert de très belles photos de nos poilus. Rien à redire, nous la recommandons! Irene came to stay with us for a few days with her partner and took very good care of our two cats, Tofu and Soja. We had regular news and Irène who loves photography gave us beautiful pictures of our furry ones. Nothing to say, we recommend her!

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