Joanne N.

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New York, New York, United States

Dernière activité : il y a plus de 6 mois
Dernière activité : il y a plus de 6 mois

À propos de Joanne N.

57 ans | Banker

Langue(s) parlée(s)
Anglais | Français

Compliments reçus

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Avis de la communauté


Corinna s.

Backnang, Germany - Mars 2024

It was a pleasure doing our house-sit for Joanne. Aloha is such a nice dog to be around - she was super easy to take care of: no problem at all taking all the different medication she needed, only needs 3-4 very short walks throughout the day, a charm around people and other dogs on the street, and generally just a lovely lady with a golden heart! Joanne's apartment is great, too! Super central, you even have a view and tons of light! Joanne herself gave us great tips of where to go and made sure we know our way around. Would definitely recommend. Just be aware that if you're doing remote work there for a longer period of time, that there is only a bed tray table to be used on the sofa, chaise longue or bed so that you can make arrangements accordingly. The internet is incredibly fast by the way!

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